Taxonomy: f. Culicidae
Animal: Mosquito (epidemiology) 3.01.jpg
Identification of Haptoglobins in mosquito blood meals detect the hosts on which arthropods feed including detecting multiple feeding by mosquitoes, a significant factor in disease transmission.- see Boreham. et al. 1979. Trans. Roy. Soc.Trop. Med Hyg. 73: 418-423 also Boreham,PFL. 1972. PANS 18: 205-209; Boreham and Lenahan 1976. Bull ent. Res. 66: 671-679. Boreham. 1975. J. Trop. Med Hyg. 78: 83-91, Boreham, PFL. 1988 DSc. Using this technique, it is possible to identify the Hp type of blood engorged by mosquitoes 16-20 hours after feeding and multiple meals of different Hp types 12-16 hours after completing of the second meal. Multiple feeding by Anopheles gambiae see ; Boreham and Lenahan 1976. Bull ent. Res. 66: 671-679. Detection of haptoglobins was used to estimate the incidence of multiple feeding in a Nigerian village.

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